Auf einen Blick: So verwenden und dosieren Sie alle Produkte von Trimedea. Kolloidale Metalle, Sango Pur, Zeolith Pur, Nature Sense u. a. …

Auf einen Blick: So verwenden und dosieren Sie alle Produkte von Trimedea. Kolloidale Metalle, Sango Pur, Zeolith Pur, Nature Sense u. a. …
Komplexmittel aus Bio-Knospen und Urtinkturen mit einem einzigartigen Spektrum an Inhaltsstoffen …
See how the IQ Balancer works: Find out everything you need to know about using the device and its many possible applications …
Instead of hormones, hot flushes and sleep disorders can be prevented with a combination of natural remedies. And completely without side effects …
Heart rate variability (HRV): Measurements while taking beta blockers, with and without error correction, non-evaluable measurements
HRV analysis measures the time intervals from heartbeat to heartbeat (RR intervals) in milliseconds. The more variable the intervals, the more dominant the parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation and recovery).
Notes, advice and recommendations on the use of H2 Pur Molecular Hydrogen (effervescent tablets)In order for the effect of molecular hydrogen to unfold properly, please follow our instructions for use and dosage. With H2 Pur by Trimedea you get 30...
Okinawa Sango Sea Coral: in optimal bioavailability, UMH & SET activated and optimally protected in a violet glass containerThe original Okinawa Sango Sea Coral Sango Pur from Trimedea is a pure natural product, perfectly bioavailable and...
Notes, hints and recommendations for the use of Silizium PurIn order for the effect of Silizium Pur to unfold properly, please follow our instructions for use and dosage Convince yourself of the quality of pure silicon in the finest particle size...
Notes, hints and recommendations for the use of Zeolith Pur + Silizium PurIn order for the effect of Zeolith + Siliziumdioxid to unfold properly, please follow our instructions for use and dosage Convince yourself of the quality of Zeolith Pur and...
Can pregnant women take colloidal metals? What is the dosage of zeolite? Everyone knows the answer for themselves – listen to yourself!
Notes, hints and recommendations for the use of Zeolith PurIn order for the effect of Zeolith Pur to unfold properly, please follow our instructions for use and dosage. Convince yourself of the quality of Zeolith Pur: You will receive the zeolite...
Notes, hints and recommendations for the application of colloidal metalsFrom our series: Colloidal metals In order for the effect of Trimedea colloidal metals to unfold properly, please follow our instructions and tips on application, dosage and...
Beeren stecken voller gesunder Energie. Sie sind randvoll von bioverfügbaren Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen, Spurenelementen, sekundären Pflanzenstoffen, Ballaststoffen – ein rundum gesundes Vergnügen.
RMS L+ for optimal metabolism and pH balanceWe now know how important the gut microbiome, blood pH, mitochondrial cellular respiration and the protection of mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of our cells, are for our health. To maintain or...
Highly effective and yet almost unknown: Chlorine dioxideCDS (chlorine dioxide solution) is highly effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi, mites, spores, algae, legionella and many more. Due to its high purity, CDS kills germs more effectively...