For a healthy body and mind

Manufactured in the high-voltage plasma process

Sango coral from Okinawa

Ultra-fine particle size (8 micrometer)




Manufactured in the high-voltage plasma process

FGS (Research Association for Health and Sport):
Independent, critical, innovative


FGS: Information about health topics

As the FGS (Research Association for Health and Sport), our primary goal is to provide interested parties and customers with detailed information: With our comprehensive service, we offer you new basic information on health topics and disease patterns – well-founded, clear, understandable.


We examine and evaluate various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures according to biological, physiological and natural laws – independent of existing hypotheses, dogmas and belief systems. By looking at symptoms and disease patterns from a different perspective, many people have already made unconventional and healthy decisions for themselves. Because in conventional medicine often only one side of the coin is known – we inform you about the second side and introduce you to innovative diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Every person should know about the processes in their body in order to become as independent as possible from so-called experts. This is less complicated than you think!

With our work, we would like to offer new approaches to diagnosis and therapy procedures as well as innovative products in harmony with nature and accompany people on this path. In doing so, it is equally important to know the direct connections (cause/effect) of our own thinking in order to act accordingly. Even with holistic therapies, realistic goals are an essential prerequisite for their success. As long as I have unrealistic goals, I can only experience failure, with all the consequences.


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Booster-Starterset Kolloidales Metall

Range of services offered by FGS


Colloidal Metals for your health

Fill up your stores: With the Booster Starter Set you can quickly get your body and mind fit again. You will learn about the three most important precious metals gold, silver and platinum and their effect on your body. Our focus is on precious metals and catalytically highly active metals that are particularly important for brain and enzyme metabolism. Now at the special price of 199 euros – you save more than 80 euros!

Booster-Starterset Kolloidales Metall

Sango Coral from Okinawa:
Ideal for your health and a long life

Sango Pur in the best Okinawa quality: vital trace elements in optimal bioavailability Much more than calcium and magnesium: over 70 trace elements are contained in the Sango sea coral from Okinawa – in an almost perfect, bioavailable quantity ratio for us humans. With daily intake, you achieve an optimal basic supply of all necessary minerals, trace elements and ultra-trace elements.


CDS against germs, parasites and fungi – for your health

There is a proven remedy against disease-causing parasites, bacteria and a wide variety of ailments that many people do not (yet) know about: CDS (chlorine dioxide solution). It is highly effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, mites, spores, algae, legionella and countless ailments. Due to its high oxidizing capacity, CDS kills germs more effectively than conventional disinfectants or antibiotics without risks and side effects, as worldwide reports and studies prove.


For a healthy gut: RMS L+ by Trimedea

To maintain or regain our health, RMS L+ supports you exactly where it is needed: in the intestine, in the blood, in the cells and in the intercellular space. The dextrorotatory lactic acid RMS L+ from Trimedea ensures a healthy intestinal flora and promotes the natural metabolic processes when taken regularly. As a result, right-turning lactic acid RMS L+ alleviates many kinds of complaints – even acute symptoms in the throat, pharynx and lung area.

Booster-Starterset Kolloidales Metall

Concentrated fruit power in Berry Vital

Detox drink with fruit power for beauty from within: The high-concentrate consists of eight power berries that are perfectly matched to each other – without preservatives, nanotechnology or genetically modified ingredients.

Well-being and health directly from the tap

Our modern water filter systems provide you with fresh drinking water every day: pure, tasty and energized. They safely remove pollutants such as heavy metals, bacteria, fungi, spores, fluoride, chlorine, nitrate, drug residues and many other substances. AQUNA filter systems are easy to install, economical, cost-effective and save a lot of money – every month.

For your health: iHrv software for measuring the heart rate variability

iHRV software is a validated with scientific reference software, super easy and understandable, for end users and athletes

The software for measuring and evaluating heart rate variability is particularly suitable for regular health checks, stress checks, progress monitoring and therapy monitoring. Especially therapy monitoring plays an important role to check which therapies, medications or other interventions result in an improvement – whether COPD, macular degeneration, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases or other complaints and diseases.

FGS: Independent information

We examine and evaluate various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures according to biological, physiological and natural laws – independent of existing hypotheses, dogmas and belief systems. By looking at symptoms and disease patterns from a different perspective, many people have already made unconventional and healthy decisions for themselves. Because in conventional medicine often only one side of the coin is known – we inform you about the second side and introduce you to innovative new diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Every person should know about the processes in their body in order to become as independent as possible from so-called experts. This is less complicated than you think!

Many theories from science / orthodox medicine were considered irrefutable in their respective times and elevated to dogma. Today they are outdated and completely revised. And so it goes on and on: scientific theories are regularly established and overturned again. Fortunately, the principles of nature do not have such a short half-life: we humans have our senses at our disposal to perceive ourselves and our environment. Thus, we can perceive and listen to our body as the most sensitive measuring instrument. If something in the body is not in balance, we feel it and should get to the bottom of the cause.

FGS: The human being is at the centre

With our work, we would like to offer new ways of thinking about diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and accompany people on this path. In doing so, it is important to know the direct connections (cause/effect) of our own thinking in order to act accordingly. Even with holistic therapies, realistic goals are an essential prerequisite for their success*. As long as I have unrealistic goals, I can only experience failure, with all the consequences.

Legal notice: Our information is intended for individual further education and does not replace a doctor’s visit.

*Definition: Success = achievement of goals, failure = failure to achieve goals

5 + 15 =

Your health is close to our hearts: If you have any questions or suggestions, we look forward to receiving your email or phone call. We will be happy to advise you in detail and without obligation!

A project of
Forschungsverein Gesundheit und Sport
6105 Leutasch, Austria

+49 (0) 178 687 94 24
+43 (0) 664 502 33 47