What is your experience with the IQ-Balancer technology?

Part 6 of our series: Learning in your sleep

The IQ Balancer is based on an innovative technology that ensures rapid relaxation and activation of the vagus/parasympathetic nervous system and is suitable for meditation, relaxed knowledge absorption and superlearning. Analogue frequencies and information are transmitted directly to the conscious and subconscious mind via the skin, a kind of tunnel effect to the subconscious. We were overwhelmed by the reaction of our customers as soon as we launched the device: We have collected some comments and testimonials here.

“When I put it on, after a few minutes I feel positive, even though I’m under a lot of pressure at the moment. It simply lifts my mood while I’m wearing it and makes me feel more balanced.”

“Our daughter was close to a nervous breakdown, and I was about to call an ambulance. We put the device on her and after 20 minutes she calmed down considerably. She then went to bed for another hour with ultrasound and pink noise and got up the next morning as if nothing had happened.”

“You notice a state of relaxation very quickly. It doesn’t take 20 minutes, at least for me. About 5–7 minutes. My heart beats more slowly and if you use it in the evening, you can fall asleep quickly. My boyfriend said he also sleeps better. Unfortunately, he also has a bad knee, so he uses the device there too. That also seems to help him. It’s a valuable device, especially today, when many people are under so much stress.”

“Since using it (approx. 14 days), I feel more sorted and organised inside. I carry out my everyday obligations and tasks or work with a wonderful sense of calm. The tension and the feeling of constant stress have clearly disappeared! Even after short sleep sequences at night (5-6 hours), I feel rested and refreshed. I can feel that the frequencies are also good for me physically. Many tensions and minor blockages have already been released. May it continue like this!”

“I am highly sensitive and felt the synchronisation in my brain. After just a few minutes, I was more relaxed than ever before in my life.”

“Within 5 minutes, I was in a state that I only consider achievable after at least 150 hours of meditation practice.”

“The first three times I used the device, I felt a lot of pain in my abdomen. For a moment I felt a massive resistance from my body, as if it was resisting, really unpleasant. Suddenly I felt a feeling of happiness, so nice. Like a hug from a loved one. Every night when I wear it, I can feel what issue has been dealt with, difficult to put into words … I notice that I am calmer and react differently to situations.”

“I have been doing kinesiological testing for many years and have noticed profound effects. I consider pink noise to be very important, the frequencies clearly activate the parasympathetic/vagus nervous system. Special acupuncture and energy points further enhance the effects.”

“By the way, it helps my husband with his knee pain. He’s surprised and delighted at the same time.”

“I have a Labrador from an animal rescue centre. He is very anxious outside the house and finds it very difficult to do his “business”, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. It takes a long time, and sometimes it doesn’t work at all and “it ends up” in the house. When I put the device on at night, the dog lies on top of me (as do my two cats). As soon as I put it down, my dog goes back to his old place. He has recently been able to detach himself without any problems – even on holiday in completely unfamiliar surroundings. Not a trace of anxiety any more – and that after just a few days of physical contact with me and the device at night.”

“I’ve been using the device for a fortnight now and I’m delighted.”

“I have now had the device for a fortnight and am very happy that I found it and you. When I go to bed at night, the device has now become my constant companion, as I can fall asleep and sleep through the night wonderfully, which was not possible before. I also have the device to thank for the peace and lightness of my thoughts, and that within a short space of time. Thank you for this unique, wonderful gift that you have given us.”

“The device is the best thing I could have bought. It was very strenuous at the beginning, my body reacted quite strongly. Now it still does, but less intensely. I notice how I’m changing, I’m much calmer, more confident, calmer, more relaxed and, above all, more in touch with myself. My family loves it too. We’ll soon have to set up a waiting list.”

“The device really is a miracle. I feel so calm and relaxed, my blood pressure is now in the optimum range. It’s so wonderful.”

“I bought the appliance while I was moving house. At that point, I was already quite physically and mentally exhausted. I put on the transducers and after ten minutes the nerve pain (pulling of the individual nerve tracts right down to the fingertips) stopped. I used the device twice a day during the strenuous moving and remodelling phase. I was able to get up rested and really relaxed, no more constant loop of confused thoughts. It was a relaxed ‘relocation’.”

“I have been using the device every morning and evening for about 1 hour since 11 March 2014. Pulse generator under the waistband on the stomach, distance approx. 10 cm. Setting with pink noise on – initially level 1 – and now level 4. I could literally ‘watch’ how I became more relaxed … My basic anxiety subsides, I feel much more relaxed. My sleep is deeper and more relaxed, thank you very much for the great device! More will certainly ‘happen’ :-)”