Komplexmittel aus Bio-Knospen und Urtinkturen mit einem einzigartigen Spektrum an Inhaltsstoffen …
Gemmotherapy: nutrient diversity and vital energy from the bud
Gemmotherapy is a form of herbal medicine. It utilises the life force of the buds to promote our health holistically.
Customer experience with IQ Balancer technology
We were overwhelmed by the response from our customers as soon as the device was launched: We have collected some comments and testimonials here.
Health from the power of plants: Nature Sense
New: Nature Sense – herbal tinctures for your health in combination with colloidal metals With the power of nature: The new mother tinctures from Nature Sense are based on 100% fresh and natural plants, herbs, buds and basic ingredients from the...
Colloidal metal nasal spray: Quick success without side effects
Nasenspray auf Basis kolloidaler Metalle: Wirkt sofort, macht nicht abhängig und schont die Nasenschleimhaut
Bone aches and joint pain have very precise biological causes
The diagnosis osteoporosis or bone cancer is almost always wrong. From a biological point of view, there is something different behind it …
H2: Molecular Hydrogen – energy booster and super antioxidant
The lightest and smallest element comes with multiple positive effects in all areas of our body …
Meno Balance Set: Natural regulation of the hormone balance
Instead of hormones, hot flushes and sleep disorders can be prevented with a combination of natural remedies. And completely without side effects …
Eye diseases: causes, solutions and tips
Eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration have very precise causes The 5 biological laws of nature (germ layer-specific tissue reactions), discovered by Dr Hamer, show the connection between cause and effect in ‘diseases and...
Eye diseases: conjunctiva, eyelids, lacrimal glands and other topics
Diseases of the eyelids, conjunctiva and lacrimal glands have very precise biological causes Eyelids and conjunctiva The epithelial ulcers (tissue breakdown) of the eyelids and conjunctiva also correspond to a separation conflict. In the...
HRV-Analysis: a holistic health parameter
Heart rate variability (HRV): What is it and why should we know more about it?HRV Analysis measures the time intervals from heartbeat to heartbeat (RR intervals) in milliseconds. An ECG records the so-called QRS complex, whereby in a resting...
Effective Lyme disease therapy with stevia, colloidal silver and zinc
Instead of antibiotics, Borrelia can be fought much more effectively with a combination of stevia, colloidal silver and zinc. And completely without side effects …
Colloidal germanium for improved eyesight
Immediate help against poor vision and tired eyes with colloidal germanium: Several sprays of it directly into each eye, and your vision immediately becomes sharper and tired eyes fresher.
Monoatomic gold (ORME) or true colloidal gold?
Monoatomic gold is not analysable, very expensive, with the same effects as real colloidal gold – so why buy monoatomic gold instead of real colloidal gold?
Berry Power for Anti-Ageing and Beautiful Skin
Beeren stecken voller gesunder Energie. Sie sind randvoll von bioverfügbaren Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen, Spurenelementen, sekundären Pflanzenstoffen, Ballaststoffen – ein rundum gesundes Vergnügen.
RMS L+ Lactic Acid Drops
RMS L+ for optimal metabolism and pH balanceWe now know how important the gut microbiome, blood pH, mitochondrial cellular respiration and the protection of mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of our cells, are for our health. To maintain or...
Chlorine dioxid – CDS Effective against many symptoms
Highly effective and yet almost unknown: Chlorine dioxideCDS (chlorine dioxide solution) is highly effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi, mites, spores, algae, legionella and many more. Due to its high purity, CDS kills germs more effectively...
Vitamin B12 deficiency (cobalamin): colloidal cobalt helps
Refill B12 reserves quickly and easily with colloidal cobaltFrom our series: Colloidal metals Vitamin B12 influences many crucial processes in our body. For example, it is important for cell division and blood formation as well as the...
Colloidal germanium: useful or harmful for our health?
Helpful and forbidden: What is behind this metal?From our series: Colloidal metals Colloidal germanium is different! On the one hand, organic germanium is the subject of many reports about healing successes; it is praised as a very special metal....