Boron is particularly important for muscle and bone metabolism, for a strong self-esteem, inflammatory processes and for increasing detoxification …
Sango Sea Coral for a healthy and long life
Okinawa Sango Sea Coral: in optimal bioavailability, UMH & SET activated and optimally protected in a violet glass containerThe original Okinawa Sango Sea Coral Sango Pur from Trimedea is a pure natural product, perfectly bioavailable and...
Silicon dioxide: Receiver, store and transmitter of information, Pt. 4
Energy converter between matter and energy/informationIn the previous articles we have touched on the special properties of silica. Now we look at its ability to receive, transmit and store information and frequencies. Silicon dioxide (SIO2) is...
Silicon: A true multi-talent and master element, Pt. 3
Piezoelectricity and photoelectricity in siliconIn the first article on silicon, we mentioned its special properties - the piezoelectric properties. But silicon can do even more: Photoelectric properties are also known with silicon and have been...
Zeolite for cleansing and detoxification: the finer, the more effective, Pt. 2
The oldest healing, rejuvenating and beauty remedy of mankindHippocrates, Avicenna and Paracelsus already used zeolite successfully in medicine – as aluminosilicate (newly discovered in 1751 by the mineralogist Axel Fredrick von Cronstedt) or as...
Silicon: More important for the body than previously known, Pt. 1
What is silicon?Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element on our planet after oxygen. Oxygen is without question absolutely essential for life and is rightly called essential. In contrast, the second most common element is still classified...