Bone loss processes are clearly related to the issue of self-worth and self-esteem collapse
When doctors diagnose osteoporosis or bone cancer in their patients, they are almost always wrong about cause and effect. Because from a biological point of view, there is something quite different behind it as a cause: biological special programs.
The main theme in bone complaints is a self-esteem collapse, which allows a precise assignment between bone/joint and the biological conflict. Strong self-value collapses affect the bones, lighter self-esteem collapses rather affect the muscles, tendons, ligaments or connective tissue. The exact relationships result from the 3 germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm (distinction between old mesoderm and new mesoderm) and ectoderm. Bones, muscles, vision and ligaments belong to the germ layer mesoderm, specifically the new mesoderm. See our introduction on biological laws and cotyledon-specific tissue reactions (German).
When the body has resolved the causative conflict, the repair phase begins, during which unpleasant symptoms such as pain or swelling usually occur, which are often misinterpreted as “osteoporosis, bone cancer or leukaemia” in classical examinations. For symptoms such as bone cell degradation, pain, swelling or recalcification or bone reconstruction to occur, very specific biologically perceived conflicts must have been experienced. These biological conflicts are activated and controlled by the subconscious as a “survival programme”. Nothing happens by chance, out of stupidity of the body or fate.
Depending on the location of the bone pain, an exact cause can be assigned as a conflict issue:
How does the misdiagnosis “osteoporosis” occur?
During the conflict-active phase, bone mass is reduced. This means: the bone becomes thinner and areas with “holes” can develop, resulting in a significantly lower bone density. Since there is usually no pain in this phase, people do not go to the doctor or have X-ray examinations to record these processes in images. As the bone becomes thinner, the surface of the periosteum (bone skin) also decreases, which hardly causes any pain or problems. If the phase of conflict activity is very long, fractures of the affected bones occur easily because a lot of bone mass has been lost, and the bones become more unstable.
Symptoms of the repair phase are misinterpreted
Once the bone-specific conflict has been resolved and the repair phase begins, we feel the symptoms and discomfort. In the repair phase, the “holes” are filled in again and the bone is strengthened. The periosteum around the bone is stretched, which causes the pain. In addition, more water and tissue fluid is deposited in the areas for the repair processes, where the building processes of the bone take place. This swelling stretches the periosteum even more and increases the pain because nerve fibres end in the periosteum and become irritated. Little water retention = little pain, much water retention = severe pain.
Then people usually go to the doctor and an X-ray is taken. On the image there are clearly visible bone structures and in certain areas there are dark spots in the bone. There is less bone mass and there are increased tissue and water deposits, which have a different contrast and thus appear darker. By most doctors, these dark areas are interpreted as osteoporosis and even as “bone cancer”. And further examinations are to be carried out, with considerable risks for body, mind and soul.
No need to worry about pain during the repair phase
If you know that the pain will disappear as soon as the bone is fully built up again, the swelling is no longer necessary and reduced and the periosteum is no longer stretched, you can deal with this pain in a completely different way than if you hear a misdiagnosis of osteoporosis, bone cancer or even leukaemia, which triggers further shocks and conflicts.
Two phases (sides) are to be distinguished
- Conflict-active Phase:
In the conflict-active phase, bone resorption occurs (ulcers = bone osteolysis, holes in the bone). As long as the conflict is active, bone mass is broken down, which normally does not cause any major symptoms. The localisation of the bone loss has to do precisely with the perceived self-esteem collapse. - Conflict resolved phase / repair phase:
Once the conflict is resolved, tissue fluid and water is stored in the “holes” and re-mineralisation of the bone takes place. This means that the bone is refilled with bone cells and enlarged. Many minerals are involved in this process, not just calcium! When the bone becomes stronger again and larger in circumference, the periosteum tightens. This causes pain because nerve fibres end in the periosteum and are irritated = bone pain.
Hanging healing and recurrences:
Recurring symptoms such as bone pain and swelling show that the repair phase is not coming to a completion, or a new self-esteem collapse (recurrence) has been reactivated. Then the biological programme controlled by the subconscious starts again. The frequent alternation of conflict activation and repair is called hanging healing because the repair process does not come to an end.
In both cases, it is helpful to look at one’s own issues that influence and lower one’s self-esteem and what triggers are responsible for this – such as relationship, family, friends, colleagues at work, the boss, unrealistic goals that are not achieved, sporting failures, etc.
Bone pain and osteoporosis
According to orthodox medicine, osteoporosis is a gradual bone disease that causes bone substance to be lost in the whole skeleton or in parts of it. The bones become porous, unstable and break easily. It is mainly older people who are diagnosed, and far more women than men. The cause is thought to be a lack of physical activity and a deficiency of calcium, vitamin D and oestrogen. The loss of bone mass in itself rarely causes symptoms. Only in the case of bone fractures or pain in the course of repair processes are examinations carried out by the doctor.
Far more bio-logical and verifiable at any time is the search for the causes of the self-esteem collapse. They are directly connected to the specific area of the skeleton and can be clearly assigned. Older people in particular can no longer carry out many beloved undertakings or tasks, which of course frustrates them in the long run. The sensitivity of the fingers and hands deteriorates, the back hurts when gardening or doing household chores. Playing with the grandchildren becomes more and more strenuous, and the speed when walking and in general decreases significantly. These perceived limitations often have a strong impact deep inside on one’s self-esteem. This sets the process of bone loss in motion.
It is important to understand that bone loss or “joint degeneration” is not age related, but the result of ongoing self-esteem breakdowns with conflict active phase and repair phase. With the understanding of these connections, it is possible to get out of the negative cycle.
We can recommend the following special set to support the bone metabolism so that all the necessary bone-building elements (minerals) are present in the right proportions. The colloidal gold helps the brain to lighten the mood and find creative solutions: