Complex remedies made from organic buds and mother tinctures with a unique spectrum of ingredients
Nature Sense contains 100 % freshly harvested and naturally pure buds, herbs and plant parts in organic quality from the Alps, from Sardinia, Sicily and other Italian locations.
Nature Sense’s complex remedies contain various mother tinctures and bud extracts that have been specially selected according to themes and indications. In addition, all Nature Sense products are activated and energised using UMH technology in order to exploit their full potential on both a material and energetic level. Instead of focussing on individual substances, Nature Sense focuses on the diversity of thousands of ingredients and bioactive substances contained in each plant. All ingredients are organic and harvested by hand. Nature Sense is available at Trimedea.
Allergies, hay fever and food intolerances
Hazelnut (Corylus avellana), blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum), viburnum (Viburnum lantana) and birch (Betula pubescens)
Activation of immune function, acute symptoms of allergies such as runny nose, itchy eyes, the first aid remedy for allergies
Dandelion* (Taraxacum officinale), juniper (Juniperus communis), milk thistle* (Silybum marianum)
Strengthens liver function, detoxifying, draining, diuretic and digestive, regulates appetite
Psyche & Inner Balance
Fig tree (Ficus carica), stone lime (Tilia cordata), English oak (Quercus robur)
Has a balancing, nerve-strengthening, anxiety-relieving and relaxing effect, for sleep disorders, depression, tiredness, exhaustion, restlessness and palpitations
Lung, Cough – Free Breathing
Hazelnut (Corylus avellana), mountain pine (Pinus mugo), blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), viburnum (Viburnum lantana)
For acute and chronic lung complaints such as COPD, emphysema, cough with and without sputum, to improve oxygen transport
Borreliosis (Lyme Desease) acute / chronic
Stevia* (Stevia rebaudiana), annual mugwort* (Artemisia annua)
For acute and chronic Lyme disease symptoms, ideal in combination with colloidal silver
Brain, Mood Enhancement and Creativity
Black poplar (Populus nigra), rose hip (Rosa canina), blackberry (Rubus fruticosus)
Improves blood circulation and oxygen transport, brightens the mood and increases creative processes in the brain
Wild garlic* (Allium ursinum), coriander (Coriandrum sativum), wild rosemary (Rosmarinus verbene)
Activation of detox functions and elimination of harmful substances, environmental toxins, heavy metal compounds
Blood Flow & Micro-circulation
Wild rosemary (Rosmarinus verbene), blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
Blood circulation in the brain, eyes and ears, motor and cognitive brain performance, activation of immune function, for allergies and to protect the blood vessels
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus), cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), viburnum (Viburnum lantana)
Regulates the female hormonal system, relieves cramps, harmonises the neurovegetative system and helps with hot flushes
Heart and Circulation
Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), red dogwood (Cornus sanguinea), wild olive tree (Olea oleaster)
Cardiac insufficiency, high blood pressure and thrombosis, strengthens the heart muscle, normalises the heart rhythm, improves the elasticity of the vascular walls
Ears, Nose and Throat
Black alder (Alnus glutinosa), black poplar (Populus nigra), rose hip (Rosa canina)
For acute and chronic complaints in the ear, nose and throat area, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and pain-relieving
Black currant(Ribes nigrum), black alder (Alnus glutinosa), ash (Fraxinus excelsior)
For acute and chronic inflammation and to accelerate repair processes
Hormone Balance
English oak (Quercus robur), giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum), heather (Calluna vulgaris)
For acute and chronic kidney and bladder inflammation. Stimulates the female hormone system and activates and balances sexual function
English oak (Quercus robur), giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum), heather (Calluna vulgaris)
For acute and chronic prostate problems, lack of energy and exhaustion. Activation of the male hormone and glandular system, stimulation of libido and sperm production
Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), sweet chestnut (Castanea vesca)
For acute and chronic complaints of the venous and lymphatic system such as venous insufficiency, phlebitis, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, oedema, lymph congestion
Nature Sense: The Secret of Life
In order to bring forth new life, the buds contain the most valuable ingredients in great variety and highest concentration. The information contained in them is very pure, unadulterated and has the entire natural spectrum necessary for optimal growth processes. Gemmo therapy (gemma = lat. bud) in combination with mother tinctures made exclusively from fresh plant parts from Nature Sense makes this elemental power of plants available to us as a healing and regenerative force: all Nature Sense complex remedies are made exclusively from fresh plant parts (mother tinctures) and plant buds (gemmo). We refrain from producing mother tinctures from dried plant parts, as the variety of nutrients and vital energy is many times greater when freshly harvested plant parts are used.
The bud extracts (macerates) are produced using the maceration process. This method releases volatile ingredients from plant-based raw materials. To do this, the chopped plant parts are doused with a water-glycerine-alcohol solution. This extract must be stored at room temperature for four weeks to three months and moved regularly. Nature Sense only uses violet glass bottles in order to preserve the valuable ingredients and plant energies in the best possible way. The shelf life is at least three years.
Usage and Dosage
Adults: Spray 3–5 pumps into the mouth 3 times a day
Children: Spray 1–3 pumps into the mouth 3 times a day
Keep out of the reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. During pregnancy, seek therapeutic advice or decide on your own responsibility. Store in a cool, dry place away from light.
*Mother tincture