Highly effective and yet almost unknown: Chlorine dioxide

CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) is highly effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi, mites, spores, algae, legionella and many more. Due to its high purity, CDS kills germs more effectively than conventional disinfectants.

What is chlorine dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide is a water-soluble gas consisting of chlorine and oxygen. The gas dissolves and mixes with water, the resulting highly diluted liquid is then the CDS (chlorine dioxide solution). Chlorine dioxide (CD) disinfects and acts by oxidation without producing harmful degradation products. It decomposes into oxygen, water and common salt, which is completely harmless to the body. Side effects and overdoses are not known worldwide when taken as recommended.

But isn’t chlorine harmful?

The names chlorine dioxide and chlorine are confusingly similar, but they are two completely different agents that react and function chemically quite differently. In contrast to chlorine dioxide, chlorine (Cl) kills pathogens by chlorination. This process, in turn, can produce harmful compounds and substances that are harmful to human health or carcinogenic. When risks and side effects are mentioned in media reports, they always refer to MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) or other solutions – not to chlorine dioxide / CDS!

Trimedea’s 3000ppm chlorine dioxide solution (0.3%) is available in 100ml violet glass bottles with three different tops to simplify dosing and different applications. The 0.3% CDS solution is made with osmosis water as the base, then distilled and UMH activated – and when taken diluted with water, this CDS is virtually tasteless.


What does CDS?

  • Kills all types of disease-causing germs through oxidation
  • Eliminates and discharges heavy metals and environmental toxins
  • Increases the efficiency and energy of the body
  • Activates the mitochondria, increasing available oxygen and thus eliminating many symptoms

For which complaints and symptoms does CDS help​?

  • Arterial congestion, arteriosclerosis
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia
  • Bladder diseases, haemorrhoids, kidney inflammation
  • Colds, fever, flu
  • Infections, malaria, tetanus
  • Gastrointestinal infections, stomach ulcers, colon diseases
  • Neurodermatitis, parasite infestation, fungal diseases
  • Psoriasis, warts
  • Earache
  • Bursitis
  • Wounds, gum inflammations
  • And many more …

Internal use​ of CDS by Trimedea:

Variant 1 (gradual dosage): 2 x per day on an empty stomach (e.g. morning and evening before eating) drip 5 drops into 100-200 ml of water and drink. Increase the number of drops per glass of water by 2–4 drops daily until 50 drops per intake are reached.

Variant 2: Add 2 ml (20 drops) of CDS to a 1 litre bottle of osmosis water (or filtered water). This is the starting dose. This bottle content is drunk every hour throughout the day. Increase the amount of CDS daily by 10 drops per litre.

If nausea and discomfort occur after a certain amount of CDS, pause for a day and then start again with the previous dose. Temporary nausea and discomfort in connection with a CDS cure are signs that the amount of dissolved toxins cannot be completely excreted.

External use​:

Indications: Open wounds, acne, herpes, skin and nail fungus, tick or insect bites, warts, skin inflammations, psoriasis, bite wounds.

Dosage: Pour about 33 ml CDS (equivalent to one third of the bottle) into a 100 ml bottle, fill up with osmosis water (or filtered water), shake – ready for use. Dosing is possible with a pipette or spray attachment. Sensitive skin types start with 25 ml CDS (equivalent to a quarter of the bottle) to 75 ml water and increase as required.

CDL_Tropfen von Trimedea

Sensitive mucous membranes, e.g. conjunctivitis​:

Add 25 ml CDS (0.3 % solution) to a 100 ml violet glass bottle with pipette or spray attachment with 75 ml (3 x 25) distilled water (alternatively osmosis water). If this dilution is still too strong for sensitive mucous membranes, dilute the ratio further towards 1:5 or 1:6 in order to adapt it to the physical sensation.

Ear drops, middle ear infection​:

Dilute CDS with twice the amount of water: So 1 drop of CDS to 2 drops of water. Drip 3 drops of this solution into the affected ear, with the user lying on their side. After 2 minutes, you can stand up and let the CDS flow out of the ear. After 10 minutes, approx. 80 % of the pain has usually already disappeared. Repeat this procedure every hour until the pain has improved permanently.

Important notes about CDS by Trimedea

Do not use metal bottles: Under no circumstances should metal bottles be used, as chlorine dioxide has an oxidative effect and reacts with metal.

Storage: Store in a cool place protected from light, below 11 degrees Celsius (refrigerator).
If the solution has not been cooled for a long time, please store in the refrigerator for at least 2–3 hours before use.

Interactions with other drugs or preparations: To avoid possible interactions, CDS solution should be taken 30 minutes before or after taking other preparations.

Important note: Especially antioxidant substances such as coffee, vitamin C, vitamin E, sodium bicarbonate and other substances, neutralize the effect of CDS. These should not be taken at least 1 hour before and after.